What can you gain from renovating your home?

Our spaces are a reflection of who we are. This phrase might not be new to you, But… What if we told you that our environment determines our behavior? Well, it does, studies have shown time again that we feel happier, more disciplined, and have a more positive attitude in…

Written By
HL Remodeling & Construction
Published On
November 17, 2022

Our spaces are a reflection of who we are.

This phrase might not be new to you,


What if we told you that our environment determines our behavior?

Well, it does, studies have shown time again that we feel happier, more disciplined, and have a more positive attitude in clean, orderly, beautiful environments that are decorated combining our tastes and personality.

That’s the importance of having an efficient renovation done by PROFESSIONALS.

Transforming your spaces (without worrying about how big or small they are) into the home you will ALWAYS want to get back to.

So, let’s talk (specifically) on what a good home renovation will give you and what it will bring to your life every single day (scientifically proven). 

How to renovate my home?

Additions HL Remodeling

In this article you wil find:

  •  Negative comments that ugly and unfunctional spaces may give you
  •   What a beautiful and functional home renovation can offer you:
    • Healthier relationships
    • More and better breaks
    • Better nutrition
    • A more active social life

Let’s finally understand that: our home is more, MUCH more than just a roof and 4 walls that protect you from the heat or rain.

Your home is your refuge, it’s a space for protection, for entertainment, for relaxation and rest.

And this is without considering that recently, and especially since 2020 (since the pandemic), more and more people are turning their homes also into their workplaces.

With all of this, it’s without discussion that your home is the most important place in your life!

And as such, how do you think it should look and function?

This gives us more perspective, doesn’t it.

Our spaces speak about us 

Negative comments you might receive from living in ugly or unfunctional spaces

If you have an uncomfortable living room, messy, ugly and badly distributed, how do you think it will affect your social life?

If you have dirty bathrooms and rooms, unorganized and with outdated decoration, the implied message is that you’re a person who doesn’t prioritize themselves and that your own self care and pampering isn’t important to you.

If you have an unfunctional, badly lit and unstylish kitchen, it speaks of someone to who nutrition is little more than a chore and that doesn’t enjoy the pleasure of eating healthy, delicious meals and sharing it with family and friends.

 Think about this…

Now, let’s carry on with the next tip…

Now, let’s talk about what you can gain from transforming your spaces into the magazine home you’ve always wished for

Healthier relationships:

A modern home should consider in its design the perfect balance between privacy and shared family spaces, this removes any isolation and contributes to maintaining healthier relationships, without giving up spaces for intimacy.

More and better breaks:

When you have the privilege of having beautiful, cozy and comfortable bedrooms, your probabilities of sleeping better increase considerably, so they should be spaces that invite you to rest and experience tranquility, your body will respond accordingly. 

If we add to this that your bathrooms, more than just that, are mini spas for you and your family, each shower will become a ritual for relaxation and stripping away stress.

And what does this translate to? More and better resting.

Better nutrition:  

Let’s be honest, an organized kitchen, with a stylish design can maximize the use of your spaces and inspire you. And someone who’s inspired can become an upcoming chef.

Being comfortable in your kitchen, will make you enjoy preparing your meals, and the tastes, the smells and invite you to share the experience with friends and family.

A more active social life:

A home that you’re proud of invites you to make plans there, get togethers with family and friends, have barbeques, birthdays, dinner parties and celebrations without any purpose other than to share your home and enjoy it with the people you love. 

These are some of the reactions of our clients when receiving the house of their dreams. Become one of them:

Knowing what your life will gain from having a BEAUTIFUL and FUNCTIONAL home, don’t keep delaying the decision that will offer you the lifestyle you DESERVE.

Let us make this process simple and easy for you.

Let’s chat and create the home of the most successful version of yourself.